
Air Navigation Services Provider of Sweden (LFV) establishes itself in Norway

Tuesday 24th of November was the official start of the LFV’s Norwegian subsidiary, LFV Norway A / S, when LFV invited to mingle in Oslo. Some 40 guests from the Norwegian airline industry was in place and mingled and listened to inspiring talk on the theme of change in ATM. The Air Navigation Services Provider of Sweden (LFV) is very interested in the Norwegian market for local air traffic services. Therefore, LFV established a Norwegian company, LFV Norway A/S, during the autumn.  “At a time when the Norwegian market for local air traffic services is being deregulated, LFV wants to be a presence. By establishing a company, we are showing that our investment in Norway is serious, which will facilitates our entry into the Norwegian market,” says Niclas Gustavsson, Director of Business Development at LFV. Oslo-20151124 (5)Oslo-20151124 (8) Niclas Gustavsson, LFV, and Anders Kirsebom, Avinor.  

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